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Introducing Kestava

At Kestava we focus on building innovative frameworks that solve specific problems for businesses around sustainability.

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Tree Leaves

About Us

How We Got Here

We’re a young and talented group of entrepreneurs and engineers with a groundbreaking idea that we hope will contribute towards a better tomorrow. We provide smart solutions for companies of all sizes and pride ourselves on our unparalleled, dedicated service.

At Kestava, we believe that the right understanding and technological edge can lead companies towards a successful future. We always seek valuable feedback from our clients in order to learn and evolve. Contact us today to set up a meeting with one of our sales representatives or request a demo.

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Why work with Kestava?

Over the years we have built up a team of some of the brightest minds that are passionate about sustainability and helping businesses of all shapes and sizes implement it within their existing processes.

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Why is sustainability important for my business?


Your Brand Performance

Sustainability led decisions positively impact the way customers see your brand, thereby increasing the effectiveness of your marketing & advertising campaigns.

Purchasing Habits

Around 66% of customers make purchasing choices based on how a business operates behind the scenes, therefore directly impacting your revenue and future profit.

Investor Relationships

Making sustainable choices not only helps you stand out from other ventures but can build an emotional connection with investors passionate about your cause.

Home: Our Team

We offer a free no-obligation consultation to provide you with real tangible advice to help with your sustainability led decision making and process implementation.

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Home: List

Sustainability Consulting

Change Consulting

Management Consulting

Brand Strategy Consulting

The SROI Calculator

The SROI calculator is an intelligent yet stackable tool designed to help enterprises drive sustainability into their organisations by allowing them to calculate the social return on investment for specific business projects.

Working Together
Working With Headphones
Writing on Glass
Modern Office

SDG Alignment

Helps organisations connect SDG (Sustainable development goals) to value creation opportunities.


Evidence Based

Uses an evidence-based approach to aid organisations in choosing impactful sustainability projects.


Simplify Planning

Allows organisations to forecast and rank their most impactful projects to simplify strategic decision making.


More Transparency

Increases transparency in enterprise action and agency by measuring the extra-financial value of projects per units spent

Home: Services

What is Sapio?

Sapio is a digital platform that utlises pre-existing data sets to:

Home: Features

Identify Goals

How it Works?

Import your data

Quickly & efficiently load up your raw business data

Analyse Forecasts

We provide you with forecasts to help you make choices

Set Strategic Goals

Use our intuitive dashboard to set your sustainability goals

Optimise & Track

Use our tool to further optimise and engage with stakeholders

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Get in Touch

Office 617, 83 Victoria Street Business Centre, London, SW1H 0HW

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